Fire Ant Control in Glades County, Florida
If you live in Glades County, Florida, and have fire ants on your property, we don’t have to tell you how hard it can be to get rid of these persistent and dangerous insects! Don’t hesitate to call Fire Ant Control, LLC today for the most effective solution.
Are fire ants harmful?
Fire ants are harmful to people, pets, and livestock. When their mounds are disturbed, hundreds of ants will swarm out of the ground and aggressively sting intruders within seconds. Some people and animals may be allergic to the venom in the sting. Anaphylactic shock could occur (in people and pets), requiring quick attention to prevent a deadly outcome.
Can fire ants damage equipment?
Fire ants infest machinery and electrical equipment. They chew on insulation and can cause short circuits in air conditioning, lighting and other mechanical equipment. The mounds themselves can damage pickups and ATVs and cause horses to fall and riders to take bad spills.
Can fire ants kill plants?
Red imported fire ants can be a nuisance in the vegetable garden and can damage and kill plants and trees. They kill agricultural crops by tunneling into the base of young plant stalks and compete with and kill native beneficial organisms, such as bees and native ants.
In fact, there are very few living things that an entire colony of fire ants cannot endanger on some level. This even includes humans, for whom fire ant bites are known to be very painful.
So, take matters into your capable hands and call us. Protect your plants, your livestock, your equipment, and your family. Fire Ant Control, LLC has the skills and the knowledge it takes to get rid of 85-95% of the fire ants on your property, and our money back guarantee means that you can rest assured we will do our job.
Before your property belongs to the fire ants, take action. Consider calling us today!
The Proven Permanent Solution
Properties with single-queen colonies may have 40 to 150 mounds and about 7 million red fire ants per acre. If infested with multiple-queen colonies, there may be 200 or more mounds and up to 40 million red fire ants per acre!
Fire Ant Control’s proven fire ant treatment focuses on sterilizing the queen. Careful application of our potent, food-like granular bait kills the ant colonies from the inside out.
The bait we use contains an insect growth regulator that sterilizes the queen and is approved for use around people, pets, livestock, and on farmland, pastures, and hay fields.
Our treatment is superior to sprays and insecticides that are short-lived (only killing surface ants), sometimes dangerous, and very expensive.
Do you have fire ants? Give Fire Ant Control a call at (239) 312-8200 for a free estimate and to learn more about our method of fire ant treatment on your residential, commercial or agricultural property in Glades County, Florida. We are fully licensed and insured and are so confident that our treatment works, we guarantee your satisfaction!