Fire Ant Management
The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is the worst of all fire ant species. When you are looking for the best fire ant management strategy, look no further than Fire Ant Control, LLC.
Fire Ant Control is the best fire ant killer around! We are recognized specialists in controlling red fire ants on any size or type of public or private land. Our proven treatment works for properties ranging from small lots to thousands of acres.
Headquartered in Bokeelia, Florida, Fire Ant Control and our sister companies serve the entire imported fire ant quarantine area of the southeastern U.S.
Our proven fire ant treatment focuses on sterilizing the queen. The potent granular bait is ingested by the worker ants and carried down into the colony, causing the fire ants to die naturally. Extermination is not immediate but, once the queen has been sterilized, the entire colony will disappear within weeks, and no new ants will be born.
We are so confident our treatment works, we guarantee that it will rid your residential, commercial or agricultural property of 85-95% of your fire ants for four months at a time, or your money back. We recommend having your property treated three times a year because fire ants fly to mate, and will eventually come back.
How Much Do You Know About Fire Ants?
- Although they are not native to North America, the red imported fire ant has now become a nuisance throughout the southern United States, ranging from Florida to California and as far north as Oklahoma and Virginia.
- Fire ants are so named because they have a reddish appearance and a very painful sting that burns like fire.
- Fire ants build their nests outdoors in the ground. The oval-shaped mounds of soil they create have no visible openings. They live beneath the mounds in an elaborate network of underground tunnels that can extend up to 25 feet away.
- The typical colony of fire ants consists of one queen and 100,000 to 500,000 worker ants. Workers build the nests (mounds), take care of the queen and her eggs, scavenge for food, and defend the colony from predators.
- The fire ant queen is the leader of the colony. Her sole purpose is to be an egg-laying machine – laying up to 1,500 eggs per day for two to seven years – to populate the colony. Once she establishes her colony, she never leaves it again.
- Fire ants are omnivores, which means they eat food of both plant and animal origin. Their typical menu includes insects, earthworms, ticks, spiders, honeydew and other sweets, oils, oily seeds, meats, small birds, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles.
- Red imported fire ants are known to attack people, plants and animals. When their mounds are disturbed, hundreds of worker ants will swarm out of the ground and aggressively sting the intruder.
- Fire ants can also cause extensive damage to gardens and crops, cement slabs, air-conditioning equipment, and electrical wires.
Get in touch with Fire Ant Control, LLC to learn more about fire ant management and our effective, affordable solution for getting rid of fire ants on your property. Give us a call at (239) 312-8200 for a free estimate on our fully licensed and insured services.