How Do We Control Fire Ants in Pastures?
Discover how to control fire ants in pastures, and take advantage of the most effective fire ant killer by calling Fire Ant Control, LLC. Fire ants affect pastures, hayfields and barnyards by getting into livestock feed, stinging animals and workers, and interfering with grazing, and we can help!
Headquartered in Bokeelia, Florida, Fire Ant Control, LLC (and our sister companies) serve the entire imported fire ant quarantine area of the southeastern U.S. Our potent, food-like granular bait contains an insect growth regulator that sterilizes the queen and is approved for use around people, pets, livestock, and on pastures, hay fields and farmland. We can treat up to 1,000 acres per day.
We guarantee our treatment will rid up to 95% of the fire ants from your property for four months at a time, or your money back!
Fire Ants in Fields & Pastures
Red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) are native to South America. They reproduce rapidly, are more aggressive than other species, and have a painful venomous sting that can result in anaphylactic shock and other serious medical problems.
These troublemakers infest hundreds of millions of acres in the United States. The USDA predicts they will eventually make their homes across the south from coast to coast, where they already have a significant impact on farming activities, from crops, to vulnerable livestock, to workers in the fields.
Fire ant mounds cause damage to pickups, ATVs and farm equipment. They can cause horses to fall and riders to take bad spills. And they can negatively affect the grazing capacity of pastures because cattle do not like to graze in and around fire ant mounds.
As if this is not enough, fire ants feed on new plant growth, flowers, bark, young fruit, sap of tree crops, and are attracted to electrical control units where they can cause equipment failures. They collect plant seeds, scattering them around their mounds, and impact plant distribution and abundance.
They are also easily transported long distances when you ship nursery stock, hay, turfgrass, soil, and other materials outside an infested area. For this reason, the USDA requires an “ant stamp” to certify that agricultural materials have been properly treated for fire ants.
Our Proven Treatment
Fire Ant Control’s potent, food-like granular bait contains an insect growth regulator that sterilizes the queen, kills the colony from the inside out, and is approved for use around people, pets, livestock, and on pastures, hay fields and farmland.
Worker ants eat it, carry it down into the colony where they share it with other ants, and the entire ant population dies naturally. With two treatments a year, your pastures can be safer for your livestock.
If you are looking for a proven method of controlling fire ants on your commercial or agricultural property, Fire Ant Control, LLC is the best fire ant killer around!
Wondering how to control fire ants in your pastures? Call Fire Ant Control, LLC at (239) 312-8200 for a free estimate. We guarantee to help protect your property from harmful fire ants, or we’ll refund your payment!