Best Fire Ant Bait for Large Areas

Problems with fire ants? The best fire ant bait for small and large areas targets fire ant populations at their source: reproduction. Read on to discover how Fire Ant Control, LLC, and our sister companies provide effective mitigation for properties of all sizes throughout the fire ant quarantined area.

Best Fire Ant Bait for Large AreasWith the street name of red imported fire ant, the scientific name of Solenopsis invicta, and the instinctive reaction of Ouch!, fire ants shouldn’t be underestimated. As an invasive and aggressive species, this insect has established its presence throughout the southern US and is difficult to control, especially in large areas where treatment takes time. Many treatments mean that the first areas treated will have rebounded populations by the time the second areas receive treatment.

In collaboration with our sister companies, Fire Ant Control, LLC treats the entire quarantined area and can treat up to 1,000 acres daily. 

Fire ant infestations are difficult to manage because they have few natural population inhibitors. We at Fire Ant Control, LLC, become the best way to manage the problem. Typical treatments, purchased or DIY, are ineffective or minimally so with a short control window. When you treat a mound, a few hundred ants may meet their end, and you may feel like you’ve accomplished something great. However, the queen will replace the dead with new ants to regrow her empire.

Dealing with fire ants is essential to safety and property protection. Left unchecked, fire ant infestations will lead to injury, damage, and loss of money. When fire ants sting, it’s quite painful for all, but for some, it can lead to a significant allergic reaction, even anaphylactic. Their behavior leads to huge networks of tunnels underground or above ground – within HVAC systems, pantries, underneath home slabs, and even in your car!

Controlling Fire Ant Infestations

Stop fire ant problems in their tracks by scheduling service with Fire Ant Control, LLC, three times annually, in addition to following some simple rules around your property to minimize the likelihood of fire ant infestations:

  • Avoid leaving animal food pans with remaining kibble available for fire ants’ dining pleasure
  • Choose airtight containers for storage of animal food
  • Maintain a clean yard, stable, coop, etc. 
  • Keep pipes and spigots functioning correctly so you’re not inadvertently providing fire ants with water.

Choose Fire Ant Control, LLC, for Fire Ant Treatment

We provide a method that works well for fire ant control. Our bait can be conveniently treated on any property, no matter the size. It is regulated and approved for use on properties with people and animals. The bait appeals to fire ants as an excellent food source and works as an insect growth regulator upon consumption. The worker ants take the bait to the queen for sustenance, and the magic begins.

The queen enjoys her meal and loses the ability to lay eggs, leaving the colony to disappear as the living ants expire. One life cycle, lasting four months at a time, is all it will take for full results. Retreat your property thrice yearly to keep the property in question 85-95% free of infestation, or we will return your money. 

Click here or call 239-312-8200 to arrange for strategically placing the best fire ant bait for large areas provided by Fire Ant Control, LLC.