Broadcast Fire Ant Control
Fire Ant Control, LLC, employs a broadcast method of application to ensure that the granular bait we use is distributed appropriately for effective results. Allow us to handle the severe problem of fire ant infestations on your property.
Nothing Stops Fun Like a Fire Ant Attack
Red imported fire ants, native to South America, have infiltrated the US and made their way across the country’s southern half.
One acre of property can hold an astounding population size. Single-queen colonies can have between 40-150 mounds and 7 million red imported fire ants, and multi-queen colonies may have upwards of 200 mounds and up to 40 million fire ants.
Fire ants adore the environment that Florida provides. From the humidity to the warmth, sun exposure, and moisture, the atmosphere is a veritable paradise for these aggressive monsters.
The same things that fire ants love about Florida draw Floridians and visitors alike. Golf, gardening, and outdoor living are priorities for those who love the area, but fire ants can make enjoying these activities difficult.
Our service can make it possible for you to enjoy the activities you love without worrying about an unforeseen attack.
Identify the Problem Early
The signals that indicate the presence of fire ants are easiest to identify just after a heavy rain or storm. The fire ants will create a tight ball around the queen during the storm, serving as a living life raft for her protection. When they reach dry land, the fire ants will wait for the water to subside and then rebuild their mounds nearby to enter their colony and continue the never-ending construction process.
The mound stands about 10″ high and exists as an oval-shaped pile of loose soil the diameter of a dinner plate. Most of the fire ants live underground, within massive networks of tunnels that they continually build upon.
The granular bait we use at Fire Ant Control, LLC, is the premier form of fire ant control. The bait resembles food, so the ants carry it down to the queen, as they do. When she ingests the bait, she becomes infertile, and as the fire ants die off, the population goes the way of the DoDo as well.
The bait we use at Fire Ant Control, LLC, is approved for use in areas where people and animals reside and play. Unlike the sprays and chemicals you’ll find at the local home improvement store or in the truck beds of landscapers, you don’t have to stress about hazards associated with the products we broadcast. What’s more, our products work well while typical DIY chemicals target only the visible fire ants, leaving the fire ants below ground to thrive.
The process that we use isn’t magic. We don’t promise instant results; we promise effective results. No new ants are born to replace those that die, so after one complete life cycle, your fire ant population will be 85-95% under control. Your property will stay this way for four months at a time, guaranteed.
Banish fire ants for good with broadcast fire ant control three times per year from Fire Ant Control, LLC. Dial (239) 312-8200 for your complimentary consultation, to schedule a service, or to get answers to any unanswered questions you might have.