Fire Ant Control in McGregor, FL
When red imported fire ants take over your property, you may feel like you’ll never successfully take back the enjoyment of your property. Fortunately, we at Fire Ant Control, LLC, provide real, affordable solutions for properties in McGregor, FL.
Fire ant population management is not easy. The natural behaviors of the species make them difficult to limit. They build complex matrices of tunnels underneath the surface, with small mounds of loose dirt above the ground being the only visible evidence of their existence.
Trying the typical treatments is ineffective because they don’t kill the queen; she lays more eggs to repopulate the colony when you kill a few surface fire ants. The colony carries on as long as the queen continues to perform her sole duty – laying eggs.
To get the queen, you must target her, and that’s what we do at Fire Ant Control, LLC. We’ve licensed pest control professionals with the right products and methods to do the job. Headquartered in Bokeelia, Florida, we’re able to service the entire quarantined area in collaboration with our sister companies. This area covers the whole Southeast United States. In a single day, we can service 1,000 acres.
Call on us to treat any type of property – residential, agricultural, commercial, private, or public – regardless of size.
The Ideal Fire Ant Habitat
The ideal place for fire ants offers them sun, moisture, warmth, and space. Florida’s climate welcomes fire ants to move in and set up a home where they grow their colony in terms of the size of tunnels and number of fire ants.
Parks, yards, pastures, golf courses, playgrounds, and other outdoor areas are prime real estate for fire ants; however, they’ll also take up residence in your HVAC system, underneath your home’s foundation, within hay bales and feed buckets, and pretty much anywhere else they find convenient.
In the process, they often cause costly damage and painful injury.
The Fire Ant Announcement
Fire ants are so ubiquitous in Florida that you probably have a significant problem if you own land in McGregor, FL. You can do a visual inspection after a heavy rain. Since mounds are their only above-ground calling card, look for them around vertical structures following rain.
During heavy rains, ants surround the queen, creating an ant raft to protect her while they float to a post, fence, sidewalk, or other location above water.
Fire ants don’t have that name because they’re secretly pyromaniacs. They bite and sting, leaving painful blisters that burn like fire. The blisters are unique because they’re caused by a particular venom only fire ants have.
While fire ant bites hurt everyone, the blister usually goes away after about a week. For some, though, the bite can trigger an anaphylactic reaction, so be watchful when an attack occurs.
Fire Ant Control Measures
The proven measures we use at Fire Ant Control stop the queen from laying eggs. We use a strong bait that sterilizes the queen when it’s carried into the colony for her meal. Being unable to replace the dying ants, the colony will zero out within a life cycle.
We offer a money-back guarantee that our clients’ properties will remain up to 95% clear of fire ants for four-month terms.
Fire ant control in McGregor, FL, is affordable, convenient, and certain when you call Fire Ant Control, LLC at (239) 312-8200. You may also follow this link to contact us online.