Fire Ant Control & Treatment in Gateway, FL
If you own residential, commercial, or agricultural property in Gateway, FL and require fire ant control & treatment, the professionals here at Fire Ant Control, LLC await the opportunity to serve. Our convenient service will effectively treat your property with minimal disruption to your day or your budget.
Fire Ant Awareness
Red imported fire ants found their way into the United States during the early 1930s through the Port of Mobile from Brazil, and in the time since, they have become the reigning fire ant of the Southeast US. In this area, the pest has become ubiquitous, so any untreated property is likely infested.
The fiery pain caused by a red imported fire ant attack explains the name. These fire ants sting and bite at the same time, and the unique venom they inject causes hard, large blisters with a white center. Scratching this bite can cause infection, and the blisters generally last about a week. To minimize the pain, wash the area as quickly as possible with soap and water or an alcohol wipe.
Unfortunately, for some victims of fire ant bites, the venom can even cause anaphylaxis, requiring immediate medical intervention.
Encountering red imported fire ants happens without any warning, and they respond aggressively with very little provocation. Most of the fire ant activity occurs below ground, with only the mounds themselves appearing above ground. You’ll find that when you encounter the army, they attack as such, climbing up vertical structures and attacking in unison. You’ll rarely find a single fire ant attacking.
Within a colony, you’ll find a single queen, and possibly more, along with thousands of worker ants. The worker ants gather food, build the tunnels, defend the colony, and care for the queen and her eggs. The queen’s sole job is to lay eggs and perpetuate the colony’s population.
The key of prodigious reproduction is the secret to our extermination efforts. By stopping the ability to reproduce, we’re able to manage the population effectively.
Property Damage from Red Imported Fire Ants
Red imported fire ants eat just about everything. From bugs and worms to fruit, crops, vulnerable animals, and pantry items, there’s no shortage of food items available for red imported fire ants. To get the food, warmth, and shelter they need, red imported fire ants will infiltrate your home, A/C unit, pantry, breaker boxes, and even your home foundation. Allowing red imported fire ants to remain and expand will lead to damage and necessary repairs.
Treating the Problem
A small fire ant problem is a figment of a hopeful property owner’s imagination. Single-queen colonies may house up to 7 million fire ants per acre, and multi-queen colonies may host up to 40 million on an acre of land. If you use treatments that target individual ants, they’ll just be replaced as quickly as you can kill them.
Professional exterminators at Fire Ant Control, LLC, will effectively apply granular bait that nips your fire ant problem at its source, reproduction. Without the presence of fire ants, you’ll be able to freely enjoy the outdoor areas of your property without having to worry about fire ant attacks.
Fire ant control & treatment for properties in Gateway, FL, are as easy as a simple call to Fire Ant Control, LLC, at (239) 312-8200 or the click of this link. With treatments every four months, we provide a money-back guarantee that your property will remain 85-95% free from red imported fire ants.