How Do You Get Rid of Fire Ants in Florida?
Every season is fire ant season in Florida, so how do you get rid of a determined colony of fire ants? Keep reading to learn more!
Fire Ant Control, LLC, is a fully licensed and insured provider of effective and affordable fire ant management based in Bokeelia, FL. In conjunction with our sister companies, our service area covers the entire Southeast portion of the United States, and we can treat up to 1,000 acres per day.
The overwhelming nature of a fire ant infestation isn’t fully realized until it occurs. To keep this nightmare from your front door, schedule consistent treatment services from our company. We offer estimates, and the methods that we employ are approved for use around pets and people without requiring a wait time for re-entry.
Handling the situation on a DIY basis is strongly discouraged. Rather than using chemicals and poisons that limit the treatment to the mound, you need a solution that targets reproduction. Mound treatments may kill a few surface ants, but the queen and the rest of the colony remain. The extent to which fire ants protect their queen means that the colony will repopulate and thrive without stopping her from doing what she does.
If you allow an infestation of red imported fire ants to continue without intervention, the outcomes will be unpleasant. They will invade your home’s foundation, kill your trees, terminate your HVAC system, etc. Save yourself from costly damage and injury by protecting the property from fire ants.
The aggressiveness of red imported fire ants is a serious issue. The attack will happen at the slightest vibration, and when they attack, they do so as a group, biting and stinging at the same time. The venom they inject is particular to red imported fire ants, and it causes a hard and painful blister. In a small portion of the population, the reaction extends to the closing of the throat, an anaphylactic response that will require medical treatment as soon as possible.
Property damage is also a problem with fire ants. They will build a home anywhere that offers warmth and proximity to water and food, so your home’s electricity, HVAC systems, and foundation can all be damaged.
Effective Means of Fire Ant Management
Effective and effortless, Fire Ant Control, LLC, offers an application of granular bait to all properties. Within a few weeks, the method will reduce the population of fire ants by a minimum of 85%. Over the next four months, the population will remain that way, but we highly suggest retreatment three times per year for sustained protection.
The bait operates as an insect growth inhibitor. The worker ants take their bounty to the queen. After consumption, she can no longer lay eggs. This inability means that the population is zeroed out once the living ants expire.
Whether the property in question is residential, commercial, or agricultural doesn’t matter. Our service will work regardless of the purpose of the land.
Here’s what you do if you’re looking for how to get rid of fire ants in Florida. Call Fire Ant Control, LLC at (239) 312-8200, or click this link to request an estimate or schedule a service. Remember, you must repeat treatment every four months for the property to remain 85-95% free of fire ants and for the guarantee to apply!