How to Get Rid of Fire Ants Quickly

The threat of fire ants is more than injury; fire ant infestations also lead to property damage and a loss of enjoyment of the outdoor areas on your property. Quickly get rid of fire ants by calling on Fire Ant Control, LLC, to enjoy a service from providers who know how to resolve the problem conveniently and effectively.

Overcoming Fire Ant Infestations

An invasive species, fire ants construct huge underground colonies with at least one queen, often many. These colonies can support millions of fire ants per acre, and getting rid of them can be incredibly difficult without professional treatment. You may try DIY options, but you won’t experience sustained success. The baits and sprays found at local hardware stores aren’t up to the job, and the user (you) won’t have the know-how needed to strategically apply the product in a manner that produces results.

How to Get Rid of Fire Ants Quickly

Left uninterrupted, fire ant colonies will grow and grow—in population and nest size. The insect is aggressive in breeding tendencies and colony defense. Should you get too close to the colony, you will be attacked. Fire ants bite down, hold on, and sting until removed, and the swarm will attack as a group. The experience is quite unpleasant and painful, and for a small portion of the population, the allergic reaction can be anaphylactic.

The nesting behavior of fire ants can be incredibly damaging to property. As fire ants build tunnel networks, they will damage HVAC systems, home foundations, trees and landscaping, home wiring, and more. The cost of repair will be astoundingly high compared to the size of the pest.

Pets and livestock are also at risk, especially the very young, old, or sick. Fire ants will eat just about anything, and they attack aggressively. Should they nest inside bales of hay, discover your dog’s food bowl, or find refuge inside of the pasture, the result will be injured pets.

The Benefits of Choosing Fire Ant Control, LLC

Specializing in taking care of fire ant infestations, Fire Ant Control, LLC, utilizes a proven, research-based methodology. We offer professional service that works within a single life cycle and lasts far longer than other options.

We use a granular bait that fire ants see as food. When they take it down to their queen, she will become sterile. By the end of a life cycle, the living fire ants will expire with no new generations to replace them, ending the life of the colony.

The application of fire ant bait is essential to its success. We maximize results by carefully applying the products and using a targeted assortment of products.

The products that we use work for four-month periods. We require clients to book service three times per year for the money-back guarantee to remain in force. Without retreatment, the mobile nature of fire ants will lead to reinfestation.

Stop fire ants from taking over your property. Fire Ant Control, LLC, provides everything needed to handle the problem effectively for the long term. Enjoy your property, welcome your guests, and protect your home with proactive fire ant treatments.

Now that you know how to get rid of fire ants as quickly as possible and still enjoy genuine effectiveness, click here to book service with Fire Ant Control, LLC.