Managing Fire Ants Around Poultry Farms
Managing fire ants around poultry farms and any other property in Southwest Florida requires one simple phone call to Fire Ant Control, LLC. Our measures work for longer periods of time without endangering your flock or disrupting your daily tasks.
Fire Ants and Poultry
Poultry farms are especially susceptible to fire ant infestations. The moisture, food, and debris of raising chickens, turkeys, and other poultry attract fire ants. Unfortunately, fire ants will attack the birds, especially the newborn chicks or very old birds. Fire ants are relentless when they attack you, whether you’re gathering eggs or cleaning up the coop areas.
The Red Imported Fire Ant, also known as RIFA or Solenopsis Invicta, is the most aggressive fire ant species. It also has the most painful attack and the most successful adaptation to the non-native environment in Southwest Florida and the rest of the US.
When fire ants sting, they also bite down, holding on and injecting venom that causes blisters in mild cases and allergic reactions in more serious cases.
Fire Ant Control, LLC, can provide your poultry farm with a remarkable solution. We specialize in managing fire ant populations on any size property used for any purpose. In collaboration with our sister companies, we make service available for the entire quarantined area and can treat up to 1,000 acres daily.
The Fire Ant Control, LLC, Solution
The techs at Fire Ant Control, LLC, will manage fire ants at your poultry farm to stop the population at its ultimate source: the queen. If the queen, or queens, is no more, the colony will cease to exist. Failing to stop reproduction will create a brief respite of numbers, but it will be brief and minor. Our treatment has a lasting impact on the number of fire ants on your property.
We stop the queen from being able to reproduce through the targeted application of a growth-inhibiting granular bait. Three treatments per year equal up to 99% freedom from red imported fire ants.
The bait we use is regulated and approved for applications around people and animals, without requiring a waiting period for re-entry on private property.
To reach the queen, the bait has to travel deep into the colony where she is constantly laying eggs. Our bait appeals to the worker ants as good, so they carry it to her for her sustenance. She loses the ability to reproduce, so the colony dies out as the living ants reach the end of their life cycles.
Fire ants are mobile, flying to mate and establish new colonies and hitching rides in loads of hay, mulch, etc. We offer a money-back guarantee, but for it to apply, clients must follow up with retreatment every four months. Otherwise, you’ll allow a new infestation to replace the one we vanquished.
Protect your chickens, whether they’re pets, future dumpling partners, or commercial products. Click here or call (239) 312-8200 to book a fire ant treatment that will surpass your expectations regarding managing fire ants around poultry farms and other agricultural properties. Fire Ant Control, LLC welcomes the opportunity to service homes, playgrounds, farms, pastures, and many other properties.