What Do Pest Control Companies Use for Fire Ants?
The type of pest control service companies provide for fire ants depends on the products and strategies they use. Fire Ant Control, LLC, overcomes the challenges imposed by fire ants through these stellar features.
Fire ants are aggressive, and their stings are painful and even dangerous. As they build colonies, they do so quickly. The Do-it-Yourself treatments you might try will be temporary band-aids to a problem that will not be resolved without a professional intervention like the one we provide.
The difference comes from the methods and products used by professional pest control companies like Fire Ant Control, LLC.
Controlling Fire Ants
Fire ants live below ground in constantly growing networks of tunnels. They concentrate all of their efforts on maximizing the colony’s population and physical nest. The queen and the newest generation of fire ant eggs are protected well below ground in the nest. Protecting her and the colony’s future is the primary goal of fire ants, making it difficult to reach her with conventional treatments that focus on the mound alone.
Fire Ant Control, LLC, employs bait that appeals to fire ants as food. The worker fire ants carry the “food” down to the queen for her sustenance. This bait operates as a Trojan Horse. When the queen enjoys her meal, she becomes sterile, unable to reproduce. Ultimately, within a life cycle, the colony will zero out because the queen won’t be able to replace the living ants as they expire.
The bait is an insect growth regulator, the most effective way to deal with fire ants. They don’t provide the gratification of seeing hundreds of dead fire ants, but they do provide long-term effectiveness.
Our methods work for four-month periods, guaranteed. We offer a money-back promise that so long as clients comply with the repeat treatments three times per year, we will return the fees paid if a fire ant infestation reoccurs.
Comprehensive Inspections — The process used starts with an evaluation of properties to ascertain the extent of the problem, and then we can develop a strategy for effectively handling the problem.
Precise Applications – The strategic application of baits and other products is an essential element of our service. A product without a method reduces its effectiveness. Our techs are well-trained to identify and apply treatments to make the best work of the product for the greatest impact on the fire ant nest and minimal effect on other insects.
Highlights of Fire Ant Control, LLC:
- Efficiency
- Regulated and approved products
- Long-term freedom from fire ants
- Affordability
Fire ants are mobile and prevalent in Southwest Florida. Choose Fire Ant Control, LLC, for a solution that relies on specialized products and expert techniques to effectively manage fire ant infestations. Reschedule every four months to maintain up to 99% protection against fire ants, and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle your family deserves once again!
We also treat commercial and agricultural properties of any size. Stop fire ants from injuring your guests or workers, damaging your home or landscaping, or stopping work due to damaged equipment or facilities. Fire ants may be small, but their effects are significant and lasting.
Click here to take advantage of what products and methods work for pest control companies when they use them to eliminate fire ants by booking with Fire Ant Control, LLC.