Which Fire Ant Bait Should I Use?

Stop wondering, “Which fire ant bait should I use?” and call Fire Ant Control, LLC, to solve a fire ant infestation on any property. We work quickly and thoroughly to maintain mitigated fire ant populations for customers who book service three times per year.

Which Fire Ant Bait Should I Use?A virtually fire-free property is only possible with professional intervention. Red imported fire ants have few natural limits to their populations, and they cause injury and damage when allowed to nest without any attempt at population control. 

Fire ant stings burn, hurt, and itch, leaving a blister that lingers for multiple days. Cleaning the area as quickly as possible is usually enough treatment, but if you have itching or swelling, take an oral antihistamine and apply an anti-itch cream. If you’re among the unlucky few who have an anaphylactic response to the venom of fire ants, keep an Epi-pen handy and seek medical help immediately.

Fire ants bite and sting simultaneously, biting down constantly and turning in a circle while repeatedly injecting their venom through their stinger, turning in a circle with their mouths as the axis around which they turn. Fire ants will keep on biting until you physically remove them.

Understanding Fire Ant Pervasiveness

Solenopsis invicta, affectionately known as the fire ant, is invasive to the US. It came from South America in the early 1930s and has become well-established throughout the country’s southern half.

Being greedy and less than picky eaters, fire ants will consume anything they find and build their colonies in various locations. They love sunny expanses, hay bales, laundry piles, HVAC systems, and more. 

They protect their colonies well, reacting aggressively to any provocation. Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) attack any threat, making no family member, visitor, pet, crop, worker, home foundation, tree, etc., safe when fire ant infestations get out of hand. Stop them in their tracks with Fire Ant Control, LLC.

Our Process and Solution to Fire Ant Infestations

The Fire Ant Control, LLC, solution to fire ants comes through our careful application of a unique bait that fire ants see as food. They carry it to the queen, and the insect growth regulating properties of the bait makes further colony propagation impossible. Since the queen can’t lay eggs, it dwindles out to nothing as the living ants die. For complete results, wait a single life cycle. Your property will be 85-95% free of fire ants. It doesn’t matter what type of property or how large it is. We’ll get the job done.

Fire ants are mobile. The winged males and females fly to mate, and the new queen will establish a colony. Fire ants also hitch rides in loads of sod, on traveling animals, and in rafts made of fire ants seeking to escape heavy rains. The mobile nature of fire ants means that you’ll need to seek retreatment every four months to keep an appropriate level of fire ant protection and to qualify for our money-back guarantee.

Click here or call (239) 312-8200 to learn more about why Fire Ant Control, LLC, is absolutely the answer for anyone asking, “Which fire ant bait should I use?” We offer expertise and products that work well, affordably, and conveniently.