Fire Ant Control & Treatment in Fort Myers, FL
Fire Ant Control is a recognized specialist in the control and treatment of red fire ants on any size or type of land in Fort Myers, FL. Careful application of our potent, food-like granular bait kills the ant colonies from the inside out!
Humid subtropical weather and abundant thunderstorms in summer make Fort Myers heaven on earth for fire ants. They love moist land. Their favorite nesting grounds are open, sunny areas like backyards, meadows, pastures, parks, playgrounds, lawns and golf courses, as well as wilderness areas and agricultural land.
Fortunately, Fire Ant Control, LLC is the best fire ant killer around! Our proven treatment works for properties ranging from small residential lots to thousands of acres. Our bait is regulated and approved for use on public and private lands.
Fire Ants and Their Mounds
Red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) are industrious architects. They build nests in mounds of soil and live beneath them in an elaborate network of underground tunnels. The oval-shaped mounds average 10” tall, are about as wide as a dinner plate, and have no visible openings.
A lack of noticeable mounds may make you think that you haven’t been infested with fire ants or that they’re under control, but don’t be fooled. They are most likely there… and expanding right under your feet, sight unseen.
Fire ant mounds work somewhat like solar roof panels. When soil temperatures are hot enough (such as during the summer), laying eggs is easy. But, in cooler weather, the warmth of the mound will help them reproduce comfortably.
Thousands of fire ants live in a single fire ant colony. If your property is infested with single queen colonies, there may be 40 to 150 mounds and about 7 million red fire ants per acre. If you have multiple queen colonies, there may be 200 or more mounds and up to 40 million red fire ants per acre!
Control Fire Ants on Residential Property
Whether gardening or pruning, mowing or sweeping outdoors, you can be attacked by fire ants. Your yard should be a fun, lovely place free of fire ant infestations. You should never have to worry that your children, your grandchildren, or your pets will be victims. Take advantage of our reliable residential fire ant killer
Control Fire Ants in Parks & Recreation Areas
Red imported fire ants can cause great pain to children and adults when they bite or sting, and can be particularly dangerous in parks. Whether you are a private land owner or a municipal organization, Fire Ant Control, LLC, can help you control the problem in your park or recreational area.
Control Fire Ants on Golf Courses
Golf courses in Fort Myers are irresistible to fire ants and a potential hazard for golfers. They can swarm out of their mounds and sting within seconds. They can also wreak havoc with lights, irrigation equipment and transformer boxes. To kill fire ants on your golf course, Fire Ant Control offers the most effective, long-lasting treatment.
If you’re ready to keep red fire ants from damaging your Fort Myers, FL property or harming your family, friends and pets, give Fire Ant Control, LLC a call today at (239) 312-8200 for control and treatment.